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Purple Diamond Awards Brunch The costs of domestic violence amount to more than $37 billion a year in law enforcement involvement, legal work, medical and mental health treatment, and lost productivity at companies.” This is a cause that impacts individuals, families, communities, societies and on an even larger scale economies.<br />
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Host<br />
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The Purple Diamond Awards Brunch & Fundraiser is will be presented by Simone Gordon Executive Director forH.O.U.S.E 581, a non profit organization.<br />
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Honoree:<br />
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Carol Maraj, Nicki Minaj’s mother and Founder/CEO of The Carol Maraj Foundation as well as DV survivor.<br />
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Presenters  Andria Mayberry, CEO of Ms.Berry Cares-Survivor and Mother of "Yazz the Greatest" from Fox 5's Empire<br />
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Luisa Diaz Brown Founder of Mi Amor Gala and she is Mrs New York International 2019.<br />
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Speakers:<br />
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•Billie Mitchelle CEO of The 1 Wine, Supernova Models and Billie Mitchell PR and DV survivor.<br />
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•Corey Andrew: Instinct Magazine, journalist and on air personality.<br />
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Performance by,<br />
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•Chris Weaver, NBC's "The Voice"<br />
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Beauty Make over by,•Kim Baker: Celebrity Make Up Artist and founder of Glamazon Beauty Cosmetics, Designer, Robert Greco acclaim ed international designer. Fashion show will include women from the shelter.